Sunday, October 14, 2007

My first blog.....ever!

I was trying to think of something profound to write but decided that if I waited for that....I may not ever blog! One of many things I like about this book is that it keeps me mindful to show appreciation and to let people know how grateful I am in all things.

Toby and I love to walk down the street. He poops and I pick it up. I feel like I am playing a game with myself while we walk....kind of like the "Who can do the best act of kindness?", except that I am playing by myself and there isn't any competition! Today, Toby and I put people's Sunday paper close to their doors. I don't know if they noticed or not, but is didn't matter. We tried and I felt good. Today I am thankful for:

The sound of rain which we haven't heard for weeks.
At this time, at this moment, Jessica and Sharon feel good!

Tomorrow I am going to read the chapter, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff...Notice It." It will be a good week!
I love you guys so much. I hope you have a great Monday.

Love, Sandy

Friday, October 12, 2007


Today I was thankful for Ella's smile that I got to see today when she came to visit (with her mom!), a nice nurse at a doctor's appointment for Katelyn, and seeing my mom along the road (I was driving to pick up kids, she was walking) and we got to have a surprise short chat.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Over The Top!!

I am glad that I just put Judy over the $3,000 mark on her Susan G Koman walk - Judy - you rock ($3,001 to be exact!)!

Also, thank you to Sandy for sponsoring me at my recent Leukemia and Lymphoma Light the Night Walk - You Rock Too!!

Love to all.

Tues for Jess

1. I got to spend time with Grandpa, Grandma, Diane and Jace!
2. I helped Grandpa set up a blog:
3. Someone asked to choreograph Jadyn's talent show act

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Happy Thoughts for Monday

Hi All,
The more the merrier! Wouldn't it be easy if we just listed our yucky stuff. Why is that? I know that we have more happy things then not but I sure can't remember them. Welcome Diane and Mom!
My three happy things today:
I was able to spend ten minutes talking with my friend Candy today...she brought me a Carmel apple that I shared with the kids.
I forgot what the date was all day long
My principal spoke to me today and I made him laugh.
I got to see Kim Stegall today.


Jessica is making me do this too!!!

Hello family....  Now...  What is a book club??  are we writing a book????

HHmmmmmm What is a Happy Book Club?